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Lawn Treatments & Maintenance
Greening up the Tri-Cities area for over 20 years!
Barrett's Lawn Care offers a variety of lawn and landscape maintenance services for homeowners and businesses in the Tri-Cities area. We customize our programs to fit the needs of each of our clients, and they can be added or deleted as a client needs change.
Weed Control Services
Weed control aids in eliminating unwanted weeds from the lawn with chemical applications that attack the weed roots from the outside inward. Completing this when necessary, along with routine mowing at the proper height, keeps weeds from coming back and most importantly, keeps them manageable if they have become out of control. Weeds are very seasonal and can pop up at any time, especially if weather conditions favor them. We offer both pre-emergent, post-emergent and monthly weed control packages. Cost: $90/per month. March thru December treatments.

Aeration Services
Lawn Aeration is the process of mechanically removing small plugs of thatch and soil from the turf. Nearly every problem grasses face, (compaction, water runoff, bad drainage, to poor fertilizer uptake) can be relieved by aeration. The main reason for aerating is to alleviate soil compaction. Compacted soils have too many solid particles in a certain volume or space, which prevents proper circulation of air, water, and nutrients within the soil. Excess lawn thatch or heavy organic debris buried under the grass surface can also starve the roots from these essential elements. Cost: $100/per hour with $150 minimum
Fertilization Services
Lawn growth depends on nutrients or essential elements absorbed by roots from the soil. When natural soil processes do not provide adequate supplies of these essential elements, fertilizer can be applied to maintain optimum turf-grass growth. The purpose of fertilizing a lawn is to add the necessary nutrients in the required amounts and at the proper time to achieve desirable lawn qualities and healthy turf-grass plants. We apply balanced fertilizers, enriched with the proper amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potash that are specially formulated for the soil conditions in our area. Our fertilization treatments have different purposes based on what time of year they are applied. Cost: Based on square footage

Overseeding Services
Overseeding is a fast, inexpensive way to help bring your lawn back to its lush, green, healthy self without tearing everything out and starting over. We plant grass seed directly into existing turf, without tearing up the existing grass, or the soil. It's an easy way to fill in bare spots, improve the density of turf, establish improved grass varieties and enhance your lawn's color. Cost: Based on square footage
Lime Application Services
The soil in many areas has an acid tendency. The availability of nutrients to the grass plant is affected by the level of soil acidity (measured in terms of pH). Liming your lawn corrects the acidity level in your lawn (raise pH) and gives you a thicker, greener lawn. Cost: Based on square footage
Areas We Manage
Bluff City
Piney Flats
Johnson City